It is very easy to become nothing but a commodity in the dry cleaning business. Fierce competition makes the business owners undercut prices on each and every occasion to take away others customers. But it’s not just the price that makes a difference to the customers. The service they get is of much more importance. Utah dry cleaners do their best to offer better service, you will have a more successful business even in the face of such a tense competition. Prestige Dry Cleaners makes use of the SPOT Business Systems, offering a reliable, flexible and secure way to manage their business and provide outstanding service to each and every customer. The use of the SPOT software simplifies daily operations and helps improve customer service and reduce operation time to minimum.

With a single barcode label, dry cleaning and laundry businesses can significantly improve their business by:

Barcode Labeling in Dry Cleaning Business

How barcodes can help dry cleaning businesses? It is widely known that barcodes can dramatically speed up grocery check-out process. They can also help speed up the process at dry cleaners. Being a pioneer in its industry, SPOT Business Systems has long been supplying dry cleaning owners with its innovative software and automation systems. Prestige is proud to be among the first dry cleaning businesses, which enhanced their productivity and customer satisfaction by means of such software. Among the most widely used systems they use is a barcode identification system, which identifies each customer and his or her clothes with pre-printed or on-demand labels.

How Barcode Labeling Works?

When you have your clothes dry cleaned every order is identified. How? By using a tiny barcode, which is heat sealed to the garment somewhere you wouldn’t notice it. Although the process of identification may vary from one dry cleaner to another, the process is basically the same, with one distinction, Prestige Dry Cleaner uses innovative automation systems, which secure every order, enhance performance and improve the tracking process. When you drop off your clothes to the dry cleaner for the first time, it gets its tiny barcode, which remains attached to the clothing during the entire cycle. This barcode is then scanned into the computer so the system knows exactly what it is and to whom it belongs. Each customer has a bag that is specifically bar coded to them so the system knows exactly what came in each time and what needs to go out to fulfill the order. This helps to keep track of the order by both the manager and the customer.

If your clothing needs special attention, such as removing a tough stain, a special label is assigned to your clothes. The next step after the clothes have been dry cleaned and pressed is a quality check. Then the order gets re-assembled, which means that the garments are gathered together for the customer to pick up. Don’t forget that each and every order is identified by a barcode. As each item is scanned and placed on a numbered conveyor, the computer knows to whom it belongs and what other pieces still need to be scanned in order to complete the order. When the last item of an order is scanned, the computer prints out an itemized invoice that is attached to the hanger of the last item. The system then automatically pulls the individual items of an order and groups them together to be packaged in plastic.

The complete and packaged orders are then scanned again and placed on another large numbered conveyor. The system knows exactly where the item is and if it needs to be held until a customer comes to pick it up or if it will be delivered to the customer’s home or office.

If the item goes out on a rout, the system automatically pulls the entire route for the driver in reverse stop order.

What are the Benefits of the SPOT Labeling Systems?

Many Prestige customers already enjoy the benefits of the SPOT automation system. Not only does it reduce time required for drop-off, but also ensures that the customer instructions are followed. Furthermore, the system creates a life-of-garment history and helps to develop customer satisfaction and loyalty. The key benefits include:


The system is very stable and has a guaranteed uptime feature

Safety & Accuracy

All the customer data is safely secured

Fast Performance

The software speeds up the dry-cleaning cycle by utilizing the most rapid software & hardware on the market

Minimized Risk

SPOT monitors the entire dry cleaning cycle and prevents human mistakes

Easy Management & Flexibility

Customers can manage their accounts online through the software and view all necessary data. There’s even an iPhone application available now

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