Believe it or not Utah dry cleaning has been around for quite some time. The ancient Romans used ammonia as a dry cleaning solvent. More recently, a Frenchman from the 19th century, named Jean Baptiste Jolly, noticed that his tablecloth was cleaned when the maid spilled kerosene on it. This began the use of petroleum-based products to clean clothing, a term that eventually became known as “dry cleaning”.

Even though products like kerosene and gasoline did work to remove the dirt and grease from clothing, they were also flammable and this caused more than one fire over the years in early dry cleaning plants. For years, the machines used to clean garments, as well as the dry cleaning solvent itself went through an extensive evolution.

After many years of working with various petroleum based chemicals, a solvent known as tetrachloroethylene or perchloroethylene was at last discovered in the 1930’s. This dry cleaning solvent was perfect. It contained excellent cleaning power but wasn’t at all dangerous or flammable. Plus it was gentle to most fabrics. It eventually became known by the name “perc”.

Perc is normally used in large machines called Hydrocarbon or Perc Machines. Both of these are dry cleaning machines that operate much the same way. Garments are placed in a drum that fits inside a large tub. The dry cleaning solvent or “perc” is placed in the tub and during the agitation process, the solvent passes through the garments removing all dirt and grime.

The next stage is a spinning process that removes most of the perc from the fabric. After that, the clothing is dried with a stream of warm air that also removes any remaining perc from the fabric. In the last stage, a deodorizer is used on garments in order to eliminate any lingering odors from the dry cleaning solvent.

After removing the garments from the Hydrocarbon or Perc Machine, each garment is carefully inspected to make sure no buttons are missing and that all stains have been removed. The last phase of the cleaning process is pressing the garment on an industrial pressing machine. These types of machines can get the wrinkles out that a household iron will miss.

At Prestige Dry Cleaners, we utilize our own very efficient system of identifying and tracking each garment that comes to us. We’ve learned a few things over the years and we know that the number one complaint people have is that their clothing is lost during the dry cleaning process. We believe our barcode tracking system is virtually fool proof and we rarely ever misplace a garment in spite of the many thousands that we clean each week.

The friendly SLC Dry Cleaning team at Prestige Dry Cleaners works hard to ensure that your clothes will be picked up and delivered in an efficient, timely manner. While we have your clothing in our plant, we feel responsible to make sure they are cleaned and pressed properly.

We believe that’s why Prestige is the Number One dry cleaning facility in Midvale, Utah. We care about our customers and we give you quality customer service and excellent cleaning and laundry services at an exceptional price.

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