How Prestige Cleaners chooses
a $100 winner each month
It should be no surprise that our monthly $100 giveaway is growing in popularity. Who doesn’t want a hundred bucks worth of free cleaning services?
Every now and then, we receive a note from someone who wants desperately to win. Reasons range from sentimental (“I want to look pretty for my wedding”) to heartrending (“I lost my job and need to look good for an interview”) to, shall we say, rather direct (“Pick me! Do you hear? Me, Me, MEEE!!!”).
So we thought this might be a good time to explain how we select each month’s winner, and share the steps we take to ensure everyone has an equal chance.
First, we delete duplicate entries. If anyone enters multiple times, it is no avail. (Sometimes, however, we’ll do a special promotion where the reward for participation is a second contest entry. In fact, we’re doing that with our cartoon caption contest, which is going on right now—click here.)
Next, we select the winner.
Here, we must make a confession.
“We” don’t select the winner. A computer does.
Yes, all names go into a computer. The computer selects a winner by use of special, randomizing software. True to the term “randomizing,” the choice is random. Like most computers, this one has not an ounce of empathy. For all it cares, the winner could be the town pauper or Donald Trump. So if you know people who write eloquent pleas in hopes of influencing us, you might advise them that the effort makes no difference. Or, not. We love receiving all letters, including those. We’re not so sure we want them to stop.
While all of this may be discouraging news for those who hope to tilt the odds in their favor, it’s actually great news for everyone. It means that, every month, everyone who enters Prestige Cleaner’s contest has a fair chance at winning. If you haven’t yet entered this month’s contest, it’s not too late. Click here.
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