Many times, the place where you drop off your clothes for Utah dry cleaning is just a store front. Your clothes are actually picked up later that day by another, larger cleaning facility that performs the actual labor. This is a common practice among dry cleaners. Some companies just don’t have the space, machines and workers to do the actual job of cleaning your clothes.

There are a couple of things that most people don’t like about this practice. It affords an extra opportunity for your clothing to get lost and you never know who is cleaning your clothing.This can lead to garments being damaged or lost.

Prestige Dry Cleaning is one of the largest dry cleaners in Utah. We are the largest cleaning plant in Midvale, UT and we have a large dry cleaning facility with every machine and cleaning product necessary to do all the work ourselves. We even clean leather garments, comforters and unusual items like luggage or teddy bears.

We take pride in giving our customers excellent service and in getting their clothes really clean. We even offer FREE pick-up and delivery and have designed such an efficient system of keeping track of your clothes that we rarely ever lose a garment. Our bar coding system tracks every garment from the time we pick it up from your door to the time we return in all cleaned and pressed.

The staff at Prestige Dry Cleaning has many years of combined experience. Most of the people who work at Prestige have been there for a long time. Over the years, they have become like family to each other and many of their customers feel the same way. The employees are professionals who have the experience to wash and dry clean your clothing correctly every time. This type of experience in the cleaning world is hard to find.

At Prestige Dry Cleaning, we use the very best solvents and cleaning products. We don’t scrimp in that area. We’ve discovered that your clothing gets cleaner and there’s less damage if we use only the finest cleaning products. Our dry cleaning machines are also top-of-the-line. Since we are such a large cleaning plant, we can afford to use the latest technology in commercial hydrocarbon cleaning machines.

The friendly folks at Prestige give you great service and the convenience of free pick-up and delivery. Once your clothing has been cleaned and pressed, we even go back to check for broken buttons and zippers that don’t work. We believe that it’s these little extras we give our customers that have caused us to become the Salt Lake dry cleaning in Midvale, UT and one of the largest in the state of Utah.


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