Got a broken button? We keep several thousand on hand,
so chances are we can find you a match. For free.
Button Physics
Or, Why the Silly Things Break
Who would have thought that the depth of the indented part in the middle of a button would affect how long the button lasts? For that matter, who would have thought that anyone would have taken the time to research the topic? But thanks to whomever did, Prestige Cleaners is able to shed a bit of light on which kinds of buttons are most and least prone to break, and why.
You may have a big, thick, cool-looking button. But if the bowl in the middle (where the holes are) is too deep, it weakens the whole button. That’s why big, thick, cool-looking buttons seem to break all the time, while run-of-the-mill, normal-looking buttons seem to endure endless torture.
Ironically (referring to irony, not to ironing, although a case could be made for both), those big, thick, cool-looking buttons usually cost a lot more. Not because they’re designed to last—which they aren’t—but because they’re designed to look big, thick, and cool.
Over the years we have noted that some brands of shirt are pretty reliable and consistent when it comes to durable buttons. These include Van Heusen, Kirkland (Costco), Brooks Brothers, Stafford (JCPenney), and Nordstrom.
If you have a broken button, we’re not going to quibble about button physics or tell you that you shouldn’t have bought a shirt with big, thick, cool-looking buttons. Just bring us the shirt and we’ll replace the buttons at no charge. Ever seen our cache of buttons? You can see part of it in the photo above. There’s a good chance we can match your button or come really, really close.
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