What you didn’t know about the
person who runs our shirt laundry
We admit the story sounds unlikely. But every word is true.
When the person in charge of our shirt laundry was a little girl, she watched her mother iron her father’s shirts and handkerchiefs. To her, nothing looked like more fun. Perhaps other girls her age dreamt of someday getting an education, embarking on a career, dating, running for office, having children, or what-have-you. Not her. She couldn’t wait until she was old enough to iron.
At last the day arrived when she had grown taller than the ironing board. Her mom permitted her to iron a few of her dad’s handkerchiefs. Finding the experience more exhilarating, more fulfilling than she’d even imagined, she was hooked. Not long after, her mother began letting her iron not just handkerchiefs, but shirts. Heaven! Later, when she was old enough to babysit, she saved her money — we’re not making this up — to buy starch. Something of a luxury at the time, starch let her to do an even better ironing job at home.
Her parents and siblings could hardly believe their good fortune. Here was a family member who begged them to let her iron everything they put in the wash. (“Well, OK, if you insist, we’ll let you do our ironing for us …”) Needless to say, everything she touched was ironed to perfection. Hers was the sharpest looking family on the block.
If you think her passion for laundering and ironing sounds a bit over the top, we wouldn’t entirely disagree. Nor would she. But when you send your shirts to Prestige Cleaners for laundering and pressing, aren’t you glad that she heads our quality control?
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