Whenever visitors get a look behind the scenes at Prestige Dry Cleaners, they’re blown away at what they see. It takes a lot more equipment, organization and expertise to run an operation like ours than many people realize.
Think about the last load of wash you did at home. Now, multiply that times a few hundred. Every day.
A household washing machine won’t cut it. It takes lots of industrial-strength (yet still gentle) machines to stand up to that kind of use. It also takes dry cleaning machines, and if you care about the environment, you won’t use clunky, old ones.
You’ll need a sophisticated system to keep track of what belongs to whom, and of personal likes and dislikes — how much starch, hangers or boxes, and special instructions like button replacement. Speaking of which, you’ll also need a huge button selection so you can match, and some sewing machines on hand.
You’ll need to know about stains and how to remove them. It’s harder than it sounds, because it depends on the kind of stain and the fabric it’s on.
You’ll need different kinds of pressing machines for different garments and fabric types, and sharp-eyed people standing by to inspect.
If you really want to do things right, you’ll have different kinds of hangers. That way you avoid stretching things on too-big hangers, or having things fall to the floor from too-small or too-slippery ones.
All of the above is required before you even start the first load. Not to mention a building to keep all that equipment in, technicians to keep the equipment running, and reliable, experienced people who know what they’re doing.
As one of our venerable associates at Prestige Dry Cleaners once said, “That’s a lot to clean a pair of trousers.” Maybe so. But to clean thousands of garments, we think it’s necessary.
Now you know a little more about the care we take when we pick up your order. When we bring it back a few days later, we hope it shows.
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